The concept of love addiction is one of the behavioral addiction types that has recently gained importance with the research of the problematic aspects of love in the psychology literature. In this study, love addiction, which is a type of behavioral addiction, is discussed within the framework of the components model developed by Griffiths (1996). When viewed from the framework of the components model, it has been suggested that addiction types have some common components; The six components consisting of salience, mood change, tolerance, withdrawal, conflict, and relapse were proposed as the common denominator of addiction types, and love addiction was evaluated with these components. By addressing the relationship between love addiction and attachment styles, it was evaluated that having an anxious attachment style as a risk factor that increases love addiction. The changes that love addiction has created on the brain reward pathway, as in other types of addiction, are discussed within the scope of the symptoms of love addiction. By giving information about the clinical appearance of love addiction, its effects in daily life were discussed with a broader perspective. In order to define love addiction as in other types of addiction, it is important to recognize and follow these symptoms mentioned by Griffins. To distinguish love addiction from other types of addiction and to determine the level of addiction; Based on all this information, it is aimed to present a clear and understandable guide on love addiction to all experts working in the field of mental health, together with the evaluation of love addiction within the scope of a behavioral model. In addition to this general purpose, within the scope of the components model of love addiction, possible relations with other theories, the factors affecting love addiction and the changes that love addiction causes in the neural pathways of the human mind are explained. By giving information about the clinical appearance of love addiction, its effects in daily life were discussed with a broader perspective.
Love addiction, component model of addiction, factors of love addiction.