In the age we live in, human life is faced with far-reaching transformative effects, especially caused by technological developments and digitalization. In such a world, transformative factors affect the whole of social life and bring a new person and a new society into being. As a result of the development of technology and the formation of new social media tools, individuals; Various areas have been presented where they can share their feelings, thoughts and works, and with these areas, a media environment has emerged where sharing and discussion take place and feedback is essential. This media environment has changed the perception of privacy by being included in our private life. The fact that individuals share their own information on social media has changed the perception of privacy and increased the violation of privacy: The boundaries of private areas that are considered private are violated through social media and made visible in the virtual environment. Privacy is also an important conceptual framework that needs to be re-evaluated in this process. Individual and societal perceptions of privacy vary depending on time and society. Changes and developments in socio-cultural, economic and technological fields also lead to changes in perceptions and behaviors regarding privacy. Social media, which is considered as an alternative media other than traditional media such as newspapers, radio, television, etc., which are considered as one-way media, almost radically changes the perception of privacy in today's societies and the behavior of individuals regarding it. In this study, attention was drawn to how social media transforms women's privacy. By giving information about the concepts of privacy and social media, it is explained how social media changes the privacy of women. In the study, with the document analysis examination technique of the qualitative research method; The topics of "social media, privacy, the relationship between privacy and social media, women and privacy, the transformation of women's privacy in social media" were explained.
Social media, privacy, Woman