The increasing proportion of goodwill within net assets over time, along with the rising trend in goodwill amounts and the growing importance of intangible assets in today's world, has led to greater attention being given to the topic of goodwill and an increase in related studies. Goodwill is a subject of debate from various perspectives, and there are many differing opinions on the matter. These differing views and discussions have raised questions about the adequacy of standards regarding goodwill. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has taken into account the concerns raised on this issue and has begun working to address these concerns by gathering feedback from stakeholders. One of the ongoing projects by the IASB related to this issue concerns goodwill and impairment. Efforts are being made to improve the impairment test, and alternative methods are being explored. The IASB has placed the concept of "Headroom" at the center of its efforts to enhance the impairment test. The Headroom concept is being used to address problems associated with the current method. Although studies have been conducted in Turkey regarding goodwill and impairment, there is an insufficient level of research aimed at improving the process and exploring alternative methods. This study aims to contribute to the development of the field by drawing attention to the topics of goodwill and impairment. The study theoretically examines the concept of goodwill within the scope of standards and seeks to present the perspective of these standards on goodwill. It also theoretically addresses the current method and explains it with a detailed example. In addition to addressing the current method, IASB documents will be reviewed to discuss alternative approaches to improving the impairment test, including the Headroom approach. In debates concerning the impairment test, the importance of the valuation concept is emphasized. In studies related to asset valuation, subjective evaluations create problems, and the process becomes costly for companies. In this context, it is crucial to make improvements to the valuation process in order to enhance impairment tests, and to establish a more comprehensible and clear approach for determining asset values to reduce the costs that may arise during the valuation process for companies.
Goodwill, Impairment, IASB, TMS 36, TFRS 3