This study investigated whether the social skills of high school students differed significantly according to gender and cognitive flexibility levels. The research was conducted with 419 secondary school students enrolled in the 11th grade during the 2018-2019 academic year in the Tarsus district of Mersin province. In the study, the Cognitive Flexibility Scale and the Social Skills Inventory were used. For data analysis, a two-way analysis of variance was conducted. Gender and cognitive flexibility level were considered independent variables, while the level of social skills was considered the dependent variable. As a result, it was observed that gender alone did not create a significant difference in social skills, but the interaction between gender and cognitive flexibility levels significantly differentiated social skills. The study concluded that males with low cognitive flexibility levels have higher social skills than females with low cognitive flexibility levels. Additionally, males with moderate cognitive flexibility levels have lower social skills than females. Also, males with high cognitive flexibility levels have higher social skills than females.
Cognitive flexibility, social skills, adolescent, gender