

The political, social and technological change that started in Europa with the industrial revolution, after a while, also took the Ottoman Empire under its influence. This effect changed and transformed the lifestyles of the society and accordingly the places where they lived in the Ottoman Empire as in Europe. With the 20th century, especially in metropolitan cities such as Istanbul, the rapid increase in construction and the inability to protect the existing historical textures have damaged the identity of the city. This rapid change in the social and architectural fields has caused disconnexion in the adaptation of the identity of the society and the city to the new generations. These disconnexions, which damage the continuity of the city and its identity, hinder the correct configuring and maintain of the consepts of memory, identity and belonging. This work; the historical and architectural continuity of Ezine Apartment, which is an urban construction, focuses on the architectural mentality of the period, life style and technology. In this context, it is aimed to examine the architectural, social and identity changes that Ezine Apartment has undergone in the historical process, starting from its first construction. Ezine Apartment, which was first identified in the photographs of the late 1890s and early 1900s, can also to be detected on historical maps since 1905. The building was marked on the maps and photographs as Kantar Inn/Apartmant during the first construction period. This instance make think that before the building was used as an apartment, it was used as a workplace / inn. The building was started to be used as a dwelling by the Ezine family in the 1930s. An elevator was added to the building in 1935, and in the process until 1938, the facade had its current appearance, including the balconies. This informations constitutes a reference that the architectural design of the apartment has been interfered with. Ezine Apartments demonstrate the typology of the apartments located on a narrow parcel on İstiklal Street. The building is one of the symbols of the region with its changing usage functions with its existence for more than 120 years, the historical personality of its residents and the dominant art nouveau style facade of the period.


Urban identity, Civil architectural memory, Pera, Westernization, Kantar Inn, Ezine Apartment.
