Hittites, like all civilizations, contributed to the historical accumulation achieved by mankind in reaching the current level of modern medicine, and also served as a bridge between cultures by carrying the cultures of Egypt and Mesopotamia to Anatolia. Health relationships are formed by being influenced by the geography in which societies are located, economic relations and cultural accumulations. When considered from this point of view, in addition to the fact that the economy of Hittites relied on agriculture and husbandry, the spoils of war were also very significant in their economy. It also becomes important what the impact of the world of religion and faith on health relations is and what structures this effect produces. Many cuneiform script which informs us on Hittite history and culture was found in Hattusa, the capital of Hittites. Among these cuneiforms, together with texts related to religious, magical and scientific treatments, there are also important texts containing information about scientific medicine. It is possible to say that in Hittites, the treatment methods and health relations applied for various diseases were mainly based on two main paths, as: The treatment with drugs and the treatment with religious and magical rituals. In terms of social role and status, the physician was in the same class as oracles, innkeepers and bakers. In fact, this classification is not bizarre at all, and that shows us that the physicians are not just government officers working at the palace but also persons who live on the income s/he receives due to his/her medical services outside the palace.
Hittites, health, diseases, physicians