

Critical thinking has long been a skill that governments and educational institutions aim to instill in their students. In this context, the Republic of Turkey has incorporated critical thinking into its secondary education curricula. The programs implemented in 2024 and the Turkey Century Education Model Common Text also emphasize critical thinking skills. The purpose of this study is to identify the prominent authors, sources, and trends in research on critical thinking originating from Turkey. In line with this objective, the study was conducted using the bibliometric method, which allows for the visualization of the current state of a field. The study's data were obtained from the Web of Science database, and as a result of the query, 356 publications related to critical thinking from Turkey were added to the dataset. The data were analyzed with bibliometric analyses using VosViewer and Bibliometrix software. The analyses revealed a significant decrease in the number of Turkey-originated publications on critical thinking since 2023. Among the Turkey-originated publications that stood out due to their citations, most focused on the impact of course designs based on problem-solving and inquiry-based methods on critical thinking. The research themes that emerged included concepts such as curiosity, open-mindedness, media, media literacy, and democracy. However, in the current era of rapid artificial intelligence development, it was observed that concepts like artificial intelligence and technology were not frequently addressed in Turkey-originated research on critical thinking.


Critical thinking, bibliometric analyses, research trends.
