The study examines the factors affecting the well-being and stress levels of secondary school teachers in Türkiye. In particular, the effects of teacher-level factors such as teacher motivation, perception of discipline, teacher-student relations, and school-level factors such as school delinquency and violence were addressed. A sample of 3952 teachers from 196 schools was used based on TALIS 2018 data. This study examined teacher well-being and stress factors at both teacher and school levels through hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) analyses. The study performed sample weighting operations for teacher and school levels in the data with a two-level hierarchical structure. According to the findings, female teachers experience less stress than male teachers, while those choosing the profession as their first career experience more stress. In addition, teachers' motivation to benefit society, teacher-student relationship, and disciplinary climate are essential factors affecting teachers' stress levels. At the school level, it was determined that teachers working in cities are more stressed than those in villages, school delinquency, and violence negatively affect teachers' well-being and stress, and academic pressure reduces stress levels.
Teacher well-being and stress, hierarchical linear modeling, TALIS 2018