

It is possible to trace the beginning of agricultural activities in the Turks back to the Hun period, according to the information we have obtained from both archaeological findings and written sources that have survived to the present day. Although agricultural activities were interrupted by wars and migrations during the Gokturk period after the Huns, there is evidence that agriculture was practiced during this period. During the Uyghur period, we can talk about an advanced agricultural culture as settled life was gradually established. Although it is partially possible to obtain data on the development of agriculture in the Uyghurs through archaeological finds, it is possible to obtain more detailed data from the extant travel books of travelers who traveled to the geography where the Uyghurs lived at that time and from other written documents that have survived from that period to the present day. It is also possible to understand how much agriculture developed in this period through the wide variety of agricultural terms reflected in the Turkish vocabulary. In our study, based on the data we obtained through the methods we have explained here, the beginning of agricultural activities in the Uyghurs, who have been fully settled since the 10th century, the development processes of agricultural life, which agricultural activities were carried out in which regions, and the impact of agricultural activities on economic, social and cultural life. Its reflections on language are mentioned. For this purpose, firstly, brief information is given about the political developments that caused the Uyghurs to transition to a settled lifestyle since the 10th century, and then the studies on the agricultural activities of the Uyghurs are mentioned. Then, the climate and geographical features of the region, agricultural activities before the Uyghurs and the development of agriculture in the Uyghurs were emphasized. In addition, some agricultural terms used in this period are also mentioned in our study. These terms; It includes the names given to the places where agriculture was done, the agricultural products grown most during the Uyghur period, and the names given to some agricultural tools. When appropriate, linguistic explanations regarding these names, both etymologically and historically comparative, are also included.


Uyghurs, agriculture in Uyghurs, agricultural terms
