

The areas of usage and the purpose, tonal structure and dimensions of musical instruments in each varieties which are available in the world is widely ehamined in instrumental science. İn this study, we will discuss the lehical names, morphological, phonetic and etymological terms of the instruments instead of the functions. We will take under the lens the instruments of the Kyrgyz language in hand to limit the terms of this subıect but as well we will see the equivalent in the other Turkish languages, phonetics and semantics situations and then we will go to the ehamples of attesters of the historical Turkish dialects. Thereby, the history of the Kyrgyz musical instruments will be ehamined as diachronic and synchronic way and in a comparative format. This subıect was selected as an important research topic to fill the resource because the lack of resources and less study of this area was determined. The Kyrgyz traditional musical instrument has gone through a long history of centuries-long construction process. Each of musical instruments which growth and changed parallel with the rich Turkish history has its own characteristics. Throughout the history of the Kyrgyz overlapped with the traditional music transactions of people which they were in touch with and enriched the musical legacy to carry to future. Since Kyrgyz wind musical instruments have a wide range of themes, the study was limited to the period of Kyrgyz nomadism and was carried out in comparison with the Turkic peoples closest to them in terms of linguistic data. The study is important from the point of view of becoming familiar with musical instruments, some of which have almost forgotten their names and themselves, and the realization that such instruments are the starting point in the modern world.


Central Asia, Kyrgyz language, musical instruments, ethnographi, culture
