

This study aims to reveal the relationship between the interface designs and design principles of popular and successful video games. The population of the research consists of students studying in the Digital Game Design department in Turkey. The sample of the research consists of Kahramanmaraş İstiklal University Digital Game Design students. In this qualitatively designed research, intentional sampling method was chosen from non-probability sampling methods. A rubric rubric was preferred as the material in the study. A successful interface design is a must for a game. The bad gameplay or bad story of a preferred game does not affect its sales as much as the visual design. Visual designs always make the first impact on a purchased or downloaded game, and if the designs are attractive, the game somehow stands out. Game interface designs are an important communication tool for the promotion of games. In digital games, game interface designs are the visual output of the game and are used as a visual communication tool that affects the target audience. Game designs contain elements of typography, color, imagery and layout. Examining these elements is important in terms of both understanding the design potential of the video game industry and understanding how interface design is handled together with the game. The Visual Communication designer undertakes the important task of deciding on the placement of all these visual elements and the font to be preferred for the interface design, so as not to obstruct the player's main view. The design also contributes to the game's visual style, distinguishing it from other games and subconsciously influencing the player's mood. According to the results of the study, typographical evaluation of the interface designs of the top 10 most preferred mobile games in the online environment will guide the designers of the games to be designed..


Interface, Digital Game, Design, Communication
