The distance education process, which started to be implemented in March 2020 due to the pandemic, started to be implemented in all higher education institutions along with the Primary Education and High School level in Turkey. The administrators, academicians and students working in the system were affected by this sudden and compulsory change in the execution of educational activities. Higher education institutions that provide vocational arts education have also started distance education practices. These institutions had to carry out their long-standing arts education processes with the distance education method. In this study, it was aimed to determine the self-efficacy perceptions of academicians working in higher education institutions that provide arts education about the distance education process, which was applied for two terms and still continues. The research is a quantitative study and has been conducted with a survey model. The personal information form was prepared to determine the demographic situations of the participants prepared by the researcher.In order to determine the self-efficacy perceptions of the academics of academicians, who work in the art education institutions, the self-efficacy perception scale is used for remote training developed by Star (2015). This scale consists of three different six dimensions as learning management, technology management and virtual classroom management.The demographic information form and scale used to collect data in the study are organized with Google Forms.The prepared data collection tool has been forwarded to academicians via electronic mail and with the Ethics Committee approval certificate.As a result of the research, it was revealed that academicians working in institutions providing art education have high self-efficacy perceptions about distance education, and there are statistically significant differences according to gender, professional seniority and having the conditions to provide distance education.
Art Education, Self efficiency, pandemic.