This research was carried out for the evaluation of the second-grade English curriculum according to teacher opinions based on the enlightening program evaluation model. In the quantitative research, a descriptive type of scanning model was used. The working group of the study was determined by a simple non-selective sampling method and was composed of 139 English teachers in Kilis province and teachers who took English lessons. Thirty-eight questions and 4-way lichen type "Elementary School 2. program evaluation scale based on enlightening evaluation model for the class English curriculum" was used. Descriptive and predictive statistical techniques were used to analyze the data. As a result of the analysis, there was no significant difference in all dimensions of the program according to the age of the teachers, the number of courses entered weekly, the areas in which they graduated, their education status, the residential areas where they worked and the average number of students in the classroom. According to the socioeconomic level of the school, the entire program did not differ in the lower dimensions of the gain and content, measurement and evaluation, while the learning-teaching process and the environmental dimension differed in the lower dimension in favor of the upper-income group. According to professional seniority, the meaning of the program was found to differ in the lower dimensions of the gain and content, measurement and evaluation in favor of teachers with a professional seniority of 0-5 years.
aydınlatıcı program değerlendirme modeli, 4+4+4 eğitim sistemi, ikinci sınıf ingilizce öğretim programı, , ingilizce dersi, öğretmen görüşleri