
The popularity of the quality of life is increasing in social scienes. The life quality is defined by World Health Organisation (WHO) as the way of the perception of the people about their goals, expectations, standards in conjunction with the interests, perceptions and values. On the other hand, although the subject is a sociological phenomenon, it doen not have its rightful place in the sociological of works. Mainly material issues such as health, education accessibility and material well-being has been examined in quality of life studies. Nevertheless some other very important issues, such as fair judicial system, solidary socio-cultural relations, participatory democracy has been neglected. It was aimed to investigate the mpacts of the perception of justice on the quality of life in the light of these findings within this study. Main argument of this research is that the favorable perception of law has possitve affect on the quality of life ot the people, at least as much as the materialistic phenomenon. In addition to that, the favorable perception of law depends not only to the main indicators of the justice system (such as impartiality, accessibility and speed) but also to the individual and political parameters. A scale of the perception law and the quality of life was used to realise the research. The scale was applied to the sampling group of the 388 people. The major findings of the research verify the major hypothesis.
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Sociology of Law, Social Perception, Quality of Life
