

Malatya has an important place as a city located in the Eastern Anatolia Region and has hosted many civilizations throughout history. Place names; It is a memory that preserves many elements of a region such as culture, history, traditions and customs. The regions where nations reside reflect the culture, history, life experiences, economy and beliefs of that nation. The language blends these elements in its memory and transfers them to future generations, and place names are formed in this process. For this reason, a place name is an important linguistic element that carries traces of the cultural background of the people living there and offers an important field of study for linguistics researchers. In our study, the names of a total of 742 neighborhoods in Battalgazi, Yeşilyurt, Akçadağ, Arapgir, Arguvan, Darende, Doğanşehir, Doğanyol, Hekimhan, Kale, Kuluncak, Pütürge and Yazıhan districts in Malatya province were examined. In determining the names of the neighborhoods, the Turkish Civil Administration Departments Inventory records on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were taken as basis. In this context, 63 of Arapgir district, 65 of Hekimhan district, 49 of Arguvan district, 77 of Akçadağ district, 67 of Darende district, 39 of Doğanşehir district, 16 of Doğanyol district, 28 of Kale district, 28 of Kuluncak district, 68 of Pütürge district, 33 of Yazıhan district, 104 of Battalgazi district, 104 of Yeşilyurt district. 105 neighborhood names of the district were examined and classified in terms of lexical-semantic and structure. As a result of examining the neighborhood names in terms of structure, it was determined that 11.59% of the 742 neighborhood names were simple, 25.06% were derived and 63.34% were compound. In the research, the names of neighborhoods in Malatya were examined lexically and semantically according to 31 items. As a result of the examination, the most frequently identified examples belong to place names created with personal names. As a result of the evaluation, the fact that the names of the neighborhoods in Malatya were examined lexically and semantically according to 31 articles can be considered as an indication that there is a rich naming tradition throughout the province.


Place names, vocabulary, Malatya province.
