The aim of this research is to determine the satisfaction levels of foreign students who learn Turkish online about the teaching process and to consult the opinions of the instructors about the online teaching process. The study was planned as mixed-design research. In the quantitative dimension of the research, descriptive survey method was used and sampling was not used and the universe was tried to be reached. Questionnaires and personal information forms were sent via Google Forms to all students at A1 level who attended the online courses given at Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University Language Education Research and Application Center. 226 students returned to the questionnaire and personal information form. In the collection of the data, the "Distance Education Satisfaction Survey" developed by the researchers was used. Expert opinion was sought for the content validity of the questionnaire. The structural validity of the scale was provided by Cronbach's Alpha (,863) value. Based on the obtained data, descriptive analysis of the data was performed, and averages were calculated for satisfaction levels. SPSS 26.00 package program was used for the analysis of the data. In the qualitative dimension of the research, a focus group interview was conducted with 8 instructors working in online education. As a result of the focus group interview, the data were transferred to the computer environment and content analysis was used to analyse the data. It was concluded that the students were very satisfied with the method of providing the teaching material with an average of 4.08, they were very satisfied with the use of the teaching platform with an average of 4.20, they were very satisfied with the comprehensibility of the teaching material with an average of 4.11, and they were moderately satisfied with the teaching duration with an average of 2.94. Regarding online courses, instructors expressed their positive aspects and negative aspects of online teaching in terms of classroom environment, classroom interaction, assessment-evaluation, opinions about the teaching materials used in online courses and teaching platform, opinions about the duration and time planning of courses, and opinions on what is missing in online teaching and how the process can be made more efficient.
Instructive opinions, online teaching, student satisfaction, teaching Turkish as a foreign language.