It is increasingly recognized that higher order thinking ability is necessary to meet the challenges in the 21st century. Because in order to reach information, individuals need to have skills such as problem solving, organizing their own learning, transferring the acquired knowledge to new situations, reasoning, critical thinking, developing creative and original strategies, flexible thinking, estimation and mental computation. In recent years, these skills are expressed by number sense and metacognition. In literature review, there are several research findings that there is a significant relationship between mathematics achievement with number sense and metacognition. These findings suggest a relationship between these two concepts. Starting from this point the purpose of this study is to determine the concepts of metacognition and number sense and to examine the relationship between these two concepts. This study was designed in the form of a literature review based on synthesizing the data. As a result of the theoretical reviews, number sense and metacognition are supports both maths achievement and the mathematical thinking. Number sense and metacognition are skills based on flexible thinking.
Mathematics, number sense, metacognition