The main aim of the teacher training institutions is to equip pre-service teachers with sufficient knowledge, skills and attitudes to meet the contemporary needs of profession. Pre-service teachers attain these knowledge and skills in two main basis. One of them is the faculty education and the other is teaching practice schools. Due to the developments in the teacher training field in the world and reconstruction of educational faculties in Turkey in 1990'sthe importance of teaching practice activities in schools increased besides the field education courses in department. "Teaching practice" course in the syllabus aims to provide pre-service teachers to gain teaching skills to teach a course or courses in a class individually and in a planned manner. Yet some researches indicated that there are some problems in realizing the aimed attainments in teaching practice courses. This research aims to identify the opinions of pre-service social studies teachers about the Teaching Practice Courses. In this framework, pre-service social studies teachers' opinions and experiences about specialist teachers in schools, specialist lecturers in faculty, content of the practice courses and activities and evaluation of the assignments were tried to be presented. The research was executed with senior grade pre-service social studies teachers who attend their education in Karadeniz Technical University. In the research which is based on the qualitative approach, the data were obtained by open-ended questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. Than the data were analyzed according to the content analysis method. According to the results, some of the participants had negative ideas regarding the specialist teachers' advising competency, contributions to the activities, specialist lecturers' contributions to the activities, giving sufficient feedbacks and in preparing activities. The results showed that the efficiency expected from the teaching practice courses cannot be taken sufficiently.
Social Studies, Views of Pre-service Teachers, Teaching Practice Course